ProtiFert is a liquid certified organic fertilizer. ProtiFert is a boost product and gives a strong life from the very beginning. It replaces fasteners, consequences, absorbents and promotes an uninterrupted growth in the same application.
ProtiFert is used, for years with success, in the professional horticulture and agriculture.
There is a great deal of experience in agriculture, horticulture, arboriculture and fruit.
ProtiFert is won by a biological process from animal proteins - which ensures the valuable content of the product. This liquid product contains more than 20 different amino acids and peptides, also found naturally in the animal protein is present minerals P, K, Ca, Mg, and trace elements Fe, Cu, Mn.
The active substances disclosed in this matter are fully available for the plant.
Absorbed by the leaf, they are processed in cellular metabolism.
Amino acids, peptides, and solubilized proteins have the ability to lower the surface tension of water. This allows water droplets flowing into a water wetting film. In addition, portions of amino acids bind to the wax layer of leaves, which gives good adhesion.
In combination with plant protection products, this means a better moistening and the formation of an adhesive film. In addition, a better solution, especially of dispersion of the way. ProtiFert absorbs for both, the roots and the leaves.
Application of ProtiFert is completely safe for the crop.
Approved in the organic farming, in accordance with the European directives 834/2007 and 889/2008.
ProtiFert, applied in combination with plant protection products, improves significantly the adhesion, moistening, and absorption of the matter reduces visible residue and stabilizes the pH value of the water. As a result, the operation is increased.
ProtiFert replaces through this consequences, fasteners, and absorbents. This leads to a lower impact on the environment and saves costs.
ProtiFert is gentle on the crop, prevents growth arrest after an herbicide spraying and can be used at all times, without risk, for the crop.
Application to replace consequences, fasteners, and absorbers:
for all crops: after emergence in combination with plant protection products and/or foliar fertilizers.
In general in arable crops, field vegetable, arboriculture and fruit: in combination with after emergence herbicides, growth regulators, fungicides, insecticides and/or leaf fertilizers: ½ - 1 liter/ha; as well as foliar is desired, this dosage can be increased, without further influence on the plant protection products, up to 2 – 3 liter per ha.
The use of ProtiFert is particularly advisable in the growth phase, where special requirements are requested to the metabolism of plants. Especially at the start of the vegetative phase, on young plants, in situations of stress such as cold, drought, dark wetter, salt damage, abundant precipitation and plant protection products-measures gives ProtiFert a solution.
ProtiFert naturally promotes cell formation, flower initiation, fruit set, the fruit growth, shutting down the buttons, the ripening of the wood and puts the root formation started.
ProtiFert gives already after a few days an intensive green coloring and an excellent leaf shine, improves disease resistance, reduces in fruit crops moulting and peel coarsening and assures like this the yield and quality.
Application to promote an undisturbed vegetation:
for all crops: starting from the beginning in the vegetative growth, 1-3 treatments with an interval of approximately 10 days
Arable crops: 3 x 2-3 l/ha
Gardening: 4 x 3-10 l/ha
Olericulture: 4 x 3-5 l/ha
Asparagus: 4 x 3-5 l/ha
Ornamental horticulture: 5 x 3-5 l/ha
Under glass: 100-300 ml/100 l water
ProtiFert is used in spraying, pouring or dipping. For proper operation, the entire leaf surface, including the underside, should be well covered.
Amino acids are building blocks for many metabolic processes and cellular components. In conditions of stress shortens the foliar with ProtiFert, the build-up of protein, carbohydrates, and so forth, so that energy is saved.
The stability and effectiveness of plant protection products are influenced by the pH of the aerated water. In particular, too high or too low pH will have a negative influence on the absorption and duration of action of the solute. By attaching ProtiFert the pH of the water stabilize.
ProtiFert is available in:
- 1 L safety bottle
- 3 L safety bottle
- 20 L safety jerrycan